Protection in God

Is there any protection greater than that in God
Thank you oh Lord, thank you my God
In your protection I am at home
In your protection I am safe

Oh man, tell me, oh tell me
Is there any protection greater than that in God

With God is my refuge, my home
Where else could I be but with him, with him
Only with him my Father, with him my Lord
I find the refuge, the protection
My heart longs for so much

Oh, my heart be quiet, you are at home
You are safe, you have reached the refuge

Let go of your fear, let go of your anxiety
All of that is just a part of not being reality
A chimera, created by your mind
Let go of the creatures of your phantasy
The fear, the anxiety these are not real
Let go of these, you are at home now

You have reached the safety in God
You are protected, from now on, from this moment on
It happens now, do you sense it, do you feel it
The safety of God is in you
The protection of God is all around you

Rejoice oh my heart, it is happening, it has happened
You are at home, do you sense it, do you feel it
Yes, that’s it, the Being without fear, the Being without anxiety
The peace of heart, so it shall be

That’s how it was destined from the beginning of time
Until the last light reached out to your heart
Yes, that’s how it was ordained, how it is and how it will be

Is there any protection greater than that in God
Tell me oh man, tell me
Is there any protection greater than that in God
Rejoice oh man, you have reached your goal
You are with your Father, with your Lord
Oh God, I am with you
Joy, happiness, I praise you Lord, I thank you

Fear and anxiety, you are shadows of my old life
Farewell, you are the past and not the present
Farewell, fear and anxiety, farewell
You belong to another world, to former time
I don’t need you any more, I am free
I am free in the protection of God, joy, happiness
My heart rejoices, I am free in God
I am at home – I have returned to where I belong

So be it, it has happened
My heart is full of gratefulness, joy and happiness
I am at home, I am with God

Anton “Tony” Kaufmann
January 17, 2021

Collection Prose Poems

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