Gratefulness, Love and Faith

Thank You, my Heavenly Father
My Lord and my God
I thank You for my being
You have gifted me with my life
You have given me all provisions I needed
With what I really needed
And You send Your provisions today
And for all times, until You call me home

Thank You for every breath
That You make me breath

Thank You for every beat of my heart
That You allow my heart to beat

That You for all and everything
I would be nothing without You
Only an empty shelf, a shelf
Without any real meaning or wits

I build my life on Your word
You have spoken BE and I am
Yes, I am and I invite You
I invite You into my heart
I invite You into my life
I invite You into my being
Yes, I invite You into my whole being

Each day, each hour, each minute
Each second, yes each moment
I invite You, I invite You
Walk with me, be in me and be with me

Thank You, my Heavenly Father
My Lord and my God
I thank You for my being
I thank You that You are walking with me
That You are in me, that You are with me
Thank You, oh Lord, my God
Thank You, my Heavenly Father

My gratefulness is filled with love
With love for You and for Your creation

My gratefulness
My gratitude opens up the diversity
And the infinite expansion of my love

Love is the nourishment of my heart
My heart lives from love
Love makes of my heart
Not a heart of stone
But living heart
In the love of my heart I find
I find the meaning of my being

Love is for my heart
Like breathing for my body
Essential for my being
Valuable, so infinitely valuable

Oh my lord, my God
Oh my Heavenly Father
Increase the value of my life
Ignite my love
Ignite my love into a fire
Into a fire that carries me to Your Fire
Being united in Your Fire of all-embracing Love
A fire that burns me down
Burns me down but doesn’t kill my body

Let my love burn like a light
Like a light that illuminates the darkness
Like a beacon that shows lost souls
Yes shows lost souls the way to You

Allow me to carry Your Holy Spirit
To carry the Holy Spirit within me
Let Your Holy Spirit be in me
Let Your Holy Spirit take up residence in me
Let my being be His Being’s home
Make me think with Your Holy Spirit
Make me feel with Your Holy Spirit
Let me speak with Your Holy Spirit
Let me speak the language of Your Holy Spirit
Let my being be filled with Your Holy Spirit

I invite you, oh Holy Spirit
I invite You into my heart
I invite You into my being
Yes, I invite You into my being

Oh you, You Holy Spirit of God
Be my friend, be my companion

Oh you, You Holy Spirit of God
Be my guide, show me the way
Make sure that I always make the right decision
Yes, that I make the right decisions

Oh you, You Holy Spirit of God
Be my companion on the way, my companion
On this way of being part of the world
Be my companion, my protection
My safety and my refuge

I thank you, oh You Holy Spirit of God
I thank You for everything, for Your being
For Your being in my worldly life
I thank you, I thank You with all the love
With all of the love in my heart

Based on my love for God
On my gratitude to God
On my being, on my knowledge
On the knowledge that you, my beloved God
That You gave me
My faith is based and built on all of this

My belief is not an assumption, not a guess
No, my belief is certainty
Certainty about you, about You my Lord and God
Certainty about Your almighty being and all-loving doing
You are the creator of all being
You are the original ground on which all being is based

My faith is filled with my gratitude
My faith is filled with my love

Oh my Lord, my God, my Heavenly Father
I thank You for everything
For everything that You have ever done for me
That You did, that You do, and that You will do

I love You so much, so much
I long for Your presence
After seeing You again in the hereafter
I am here, I am happy, I am grateful
And I am filled with love

I remain in good spirits and in certainty
In the certainty of my faith
I stay here in this life, in love
Until You call me back home

Then I will be without fear
With happiness and with great love in my heart
Come to you, back home

But I enjoy the time I have on earth
With great joy, gratitude and love

You sent Jesus to us to fulfill the new covenant
Jesus born of Mary
Your divine breath manifested Jesus in Mary
Thus, Jesus was a human man
But also the bearer of Your breath
Your Holy Spirit was in Him
Your Holy Spirit was working in Him
Your Holy Spirit was working through Him

Jesus healed, Jesus taught, Jesus transformed people
Jesus turned stony hearts into hearts filled with Love

Jesus was the master of Love, unconditional Love
A Love that knew no boundaries and no prejudice

I invite you, Jesus, you, the Son of God
Jesus, You founder and guarantor of the new covenant
God’s new covenant with man
The new covenant that gives people a way
Opened a way back into the presence of God

Yes, Jesus, You are God’s Son, come into my heart
Fill my heart with Your love
Let Your love shine through me
Let Your love work through me
Let Your love heal through me
Make me the channel of Your love
I thank You, Jesus, Son of God
I thank You, thank You

Anton “Tony” Kaufmann
March 21, 2021

Collection Prose Poems

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